
I Had a Black Dog Paperback

By MatthewM Johnstone

Gives insight into what it’s like to have depression

Living with a black dog

By  Matthew Johnston

Gives insight into what it’s like to love/live with someone who has depression


Self-compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself 

By Kristin Neff

 A great example of offering understanding/information while also giving activities that help reduce depression

Bipolar faith: A Black woman’s journey with depression and faith  

By  Monica Coleman

Although geared more towards Black women, this book speaks a great deal towards what it is like to battle depression/bipolar even when it attacks your religious beliefs.

  Why zebras don’t get ulcers

By Robert Sapolsky

A classic on dealing with stress and anxiety (which usually go hand-in-hand with depression)


An Unquiet Mind

By Kay Redfield Jamison

An Unquiet Mind is a memoir written by American clinical psychologist and bipolar disorder researcher Kay Redfield Jamison and published in 1995. The book details Jamison's experience with bipolar disorder and how it affected her in various areas of her life.

The Burden of Sympathy: How Families Cope With Mental Illness

By David A. Karp

What are the limits of sympathy in dealing with another person's troubles? Where do we draw the line between caring for a loved one, and being swallowed up emotionally by the obligation to do so? Quite simply, what do we owe each other?

The noonday demon: An atlas of depression

 By Andrew Solomon

A really heavy tome on depression…it is better than most textbooks in my opinion; however, a lot of folks will shy away because of the sheer size of the book. Having said that, I keep having to order more copies because people borrow it and never bring it back.


Borderline Personality: A Scriptural Perspective

By Cathy Wiseman

Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder experience profound depression or rage resulting from perceived abandonment. This booklet describes the biblical diagnosis that provides a cure.

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No

By Cloud and Townsend

Healthy relationships and sound living depend on maintaining smart personal boundaries. But many people don't know where to start. 

Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

By Matthew S. Stanford

Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith and generational sin. Why is it that the church has struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses?


Bi-Polar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families

By Francis Mark Mondimore

Healthy relationships and sound living depend on maintaining smart personal boundaries. But many people don't know where to start. 

The Gifts of Grief: Finding Light in the darkness of Loss

By Therese' Tappouni

Healthy relationships and sound living depend on maintaining smart personal boundaries. But many people don't know where to start. 

How to Change Your Mind

By Michael Pollan

Healthy relationships and sound living depend on maintaining smart personal boundaries. But many people don't know where to start. 


The Body keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and body in the Healing of Trauma

By Bessel Van Der Kole, M.D.

Healthy relationships and sound living depend on maintaining smart personal boundaries. But many people don't know where to start. 

Stop Walking on Eggshells

by Paul Mason

Do you feel manipulated, controlled, or lied to? Are you the focus of intense, violent, and irrational rages?

Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess

by Dr. Caroline Leaf

Take charge of your runaway thoughts!Toxic thoughts, depression, anxiety--our mental mess is frequently aggravated by a chaotic world and sustained by an inability to manage our thought life.

Touched With Fire: Manic Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament

By Kay Redfield Jamison

examining the relationship between bipolar disorder and artistic creativity.


By Jessie Close

This book deals with Jessie Close's mental health issues. The book discusses mental illness, abandonment, sexuality, substance abuse, and emotional turmoil.

The Radiant Midnight

By Melissa Maimone

Depression, Grace, and the Gifts of a Dark Place.