Resilient Retreat, Inc.: Equine Therapy

  • Resilient Retreat will provide 120 sessions of equine therapy for mental health  providers to “help the helpers” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Equine therapy will focus on topics such as feeling safe, trust building, and conquering fears.       

  • Resilient Retreat will offer 4 equine therapy groups, 6 people per group with 5 sessions. Each session will involve 2 hours of equine therapy and 1 hour of trauma advocacy/ survey. Health outcomes will be measured across sessions.    

  • Granted: $12,330

Check presentation on April 27, 2021 by Stoney Dvornik to Lisa Intagliata, Executive Director of RR with a grant to provide equine therapy to health care workers who experience stress and anxiety as a result of their work during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Check presentation on April 27, 2021 by Stoney Dvornik to Lisa Intagliata, Executive Director of RR with a grant to provide equine therapy to health care workers who experience stress and anxiety as a result of their work during the COVID 19 pandemic.


David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts: 2020-2021 Straz Salutes

  • The Straz Center requested $5,000 to help deliver a program of high quality, live and tele-arts (virtual) creative engagement opportunities for up to 2,000 veterans suffering from physical and emotional trauma, and for their families and caregivers.

  • Dedicated website

  • Facilitated Veteran/Civilian Dialogs and interactive events

  • Podcasts about arts engagement resources

  • “How To Start” arts instruction videos

  • Creative Writing for youth living on MacDill Air Force Base

  • Combined James A. Haley and Bay Pines VA Hospitals Veterans Art Showcase

  • Veteran/Civilian Dance Ensemble training and performance opportunities

  • Granted: $5,000

LIVL Board Members Ian Lieberman and Rob Applebaum with Fred Johnson, Straz Center Artist-in-Residence and Community Engagement Specialist; and Alice Santana, Director of Education and Community Engagement.

LIVL Board Members Ian Lieberman and Rob Applebaum with Fred Johnson, Straz Center Artist-in-Residence and Community Engagement Specialist; and Alice Santana, Director of Education and Community Engagement.


Rogers Behavioral Health Foundation: Building a Culture of Compassion Resilience

  •  Compassion Resilience is the power to return to a position of empathy, strength, and hope after the daily witnessing of challenges. This is a training of facilitators program. 

  • A focus on compassion resilience will guide all staff back to the core set of values and the drive for a sense of purpose that drew them to work in health care in the first place. It will do so by supporting the development of a strong set of skills to manage expectations, set professional and personal boundaries, build effective collegial relationships, and practice real-time and ongoing self-care.

  •  Granted: $10,000

Tampa Jewish Family Services: Soaring Into Strength Community Outreach

  •  This project is designed to use the concepts of Positive Psychology to provide 4 virtual Soaringwords workshops to help the Tampa Bay community in coping with stress, depression, and anxiety. The goal is to bolster mental health through optimism and resiliency.

  • The project will address the mental health struggles faced by many individuals in our community. By using the principles of Positive Psychology, we will be able to continue our community outreach, thereby, providing vulnerable Tampa Bay area residents the skills they need to experience compassion, resilience, meaning, altruism, and hope in the face of everyday hardships and mental health challenges. This program is even more essential during this COVID -19 world that we live in, which has only heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • We will provide 4 Soaringwords' Positive Psychology virtual interactive programs, along with a personal workbook for each workshop and the opportunity for participants to "pay it forward" by creating a project for hospitalized children at St. Joseph's Hospital.

  • Granted: $10,000

Wilmot Gardens Therapeutic Horticulture Program: Using Therapeutic Horticulture to Build Resiliency and Alleviate Depression

  • UF students will explore symptoms of stress & depression while building resiliency using the positive effects of plants & nature on physical, emotional & cognitive health.

  • The WBG Therapeutic Horticulture Program serves clients with mental health issues & these grant funds will extend that program to UF students who are struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress. The program will use horticulture activities to explore wellness and build coping strategies & resiliency.

  • Granted: $10,000

Champions for Children, Inc.: Capacity Building for Child Protection and Child Development Professionals

  • The project builds internal capacity to train staff in the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework and Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-3 & SE) so we can address home environment and social-emotional issues in kids before they progress.

  • This project promotes compassion and resilience for providers by equipping them with new tools for effectively working with individuals who suffer from mental health issues. Providers trained in the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework (SFPFF) learn how to engage families in building five factors that support family well-being and protect against child abuse and neglect. The ASQ-3 and SE allow providers to identify issues that may lead to mental health problems later in life before they progress. Both pieces of training equip providers with ways to reduce stigma by engaging families in non-judgmental interventions.                   

  • Granted: $6,340

The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, Inc.: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children Ages Birth to 17

  • The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay will provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children up to 17 years old who are otherwise unable to cover the costs of counseling. This would cover the full treatment for six children.

  • We are working to make sure that no one in our community is going without the trauma counseling that they might need in this time of uncertainty. Upon intake, our staff will apply the grant funding to any clients who were unable to pay for counseling sessions through self-pay, insurance, Medicaid or Medicare. Funding received from Love IV Lawrence will support the average 13 therapy sessions for six different children in our community in need of trauma counseling at any of our counseling offices throughout Tampa.

  • Granted: $9,750

Liz, Mallory and Vevie Dimmitt, Stoney Dvornik, Clara Reynolds, President and CEO of the CCTB

Liz, Mallory and Vevie Dimmitt, Stoney Dvornik, Clara Reynolds, President and CEO of the CCTB


Veterans Alternative

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) for Veteran Suicide Prevention and Mental Wellness        

  • Warriors suffering from the traumas of war will receive individual sessions of Accelerated Resolution Therapy. Funding allows up to 20 Warriors to receive 4 sessions each of this life-saving therapy. 

  • Granted: $10,000

Van Gogh's Palette, Inc. aka Vincent House: Vincent House Outreach Program

  • ■Our Outreach Coordinator (OC) will be focused on educating the community to help break down the stigma about what individuals with a mental illness can achieve through the help of the VH work ordered day.

  • ■-The OC will recruit new members to join the VH program where they will help in the running of our non-profit. This real work experience builds both vocational and social skills, along with improvement of one's self esteem. All skills learned through this process will assist members in social integration, independence, and ultimately employment, most of which members were told they'd never achieve due to their illness.

  • Granted:  $10,000


Pictured are LIVL Board members Dr. Robert Applebaum and Mr. Adam Cohen



American Stage Company, Inc: Production of “Next to Normal”

  • American Stage plans to “shine a spotlight” on the de-stigmatization of mental illness with their production of this musical during the summer of 2020.They were awarded $10,000 to assist in production costs and community outreach initiatives to open dialogue about mental health. AS is pursuing partnerships with NAMI Pinellas, Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative, and the Foundation for Healthy St. Pete to promote conversations that may ignite solution based advocacy for a healthier community.

Cameron K Gallagher Foundation: De-Stigmatizing Anxiety — Understanding What’s Happening in Your Head

  • Funds to be used to conduct five one day events at Tampa Bay schools consisting of a mental health workshop and the showing of the documentary “Angst.” Goal is to reach 1500 teens, their families and influencers.

  • Received $4,000 to cover two events.

Champions for Children, Inc.: Mental Health Professional Development for Early Childhood Providers

  • CFC proposed a suite of professional development activities to train social service providers in trauma-informed best practice, the goal of which is to improve outcomes for children and adults whose childhood traumas have led to mental health issues.

  • Received $5,500 grant for one day train seminar to be held August 2020.

St. Petersburg Free Clinic, Inc.: Mental Health First Aid Training

  • Asked for $10,000 to train an instructor, market the program and purchase materials. 

  • Received a $5,000 grant to conduct multiple seminars, market the program, and purchase materials.

  • Love for Lawrence will provide the instructors.

Southeastern Guide Dogs: Mitigate PTSD and Depression Leading to Suicide in Military Veterans Through Service Dogs

  • 11 year record of not losing a single veteran to suicide

  • 22 new veteran/dog service teams being created in 2020

  • Received a $10,000 grant for the education and training of 11 veterans at SGD’s palmetto facility.

  • Love for Lawrence sponsored one veterans and will follow them through their guide dog experience.

  • Love for Lawrence names a puppy in honor of Lawrence Dimmitt IV (Lars)

Tampa Jewish Family Services: Erasing the Stigma

  • Seeking to serve 4,300 9th grade students in Tampa proper high schools with a project to create and facilitate presentations that address and destigmatize preconceived notions regarding mental illness as it applies to anxiety, depression, and suicide. Pre and post-tests will be administered to measure and assess changes in attitude based on the presentation.

  • Received full request of $9,805