ACTIONS FROM JUNE 1, 2021 – MAY 31, 2022Third Annual Impact Report


  • Completed the second annual competitive grants program and awarded a total of $99,250 to 13 Tampa Bay area non-profit organizations.

  • Funded the publication of teen mental health awareness journals, created by the Cameron H. Gallagher Foundation, (aka SpeakUp 5K Tampa) for distribution in area schools.

  • Since September 2020, through Community Foundation Tampa Bay’s Mental Health First Aid Initiative and a partnership with Directions for Living, 138 MHFA classes have been conducted, resulting in 1,773 adults becoming certified as Mental Health First Aiders.

  • Sponsored Mental Health First Aid instructor training for three native Spanish speakers who led 14 in-person adult and youth classes and certified 183 new Spanish speaking First Aiders.

  • Contracted with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing to become a provider for the newest course: teen MHFA. Two Instructors were certified in May to begin offering Mental Health First Aid classes to 15-18 year old’s during the summer of 2022.

  • Hosted 7 “Lunch and Learn Webinars” featuring local and nationally recognized mental health experts who spoke on topics such as suicidality research, resilience training, the effects of the pandemic on mental health, stigma, trans-magnetic brain stimulation, and the mental health experiences of veterans. This speakers series was underwritten by Humana Healthcare.

  • Hosted the first in-person community “salon” conversation that featured a speaker with lived experience and a mental health professional.

  • Members of the Board of Directors participated in two suicide prevention and awareness walks.

  • The Lawrence H. Dimmitt IV Mental Health Initiative created by Directions for Living, Inc., which includes Spanish and teen MHFA delivered by LIVL Instructors, earned DFL the National Council of Mental Wellbeing’s “Mental Health First Aid Organization of the Year”!

  • Partnered with the Lightning Foundation, Florida Blue, The Positive Coaching Alliance, Tampa Bay Thrives, and, Hillsborough County Public Schools in planning for the “Strike the Stigma” symposium for high school students.

  • LIVL Director, Stoney Dvornik, attended national and state summits on mental health programming, innovations and initiatives.

  • Granted a total of $155,550 in the third year of grantmaking.